Mixed Connections with Amy

Fresh mocktail recipes and real conversations about healthy lifestyles and great friendships.

First of all

Mocktail Recipes

Discover delicious and easy-to-make mocktail recipes that are perfect for any occasion. From fruity to savory, there's a mocktail for everyone to enjoy.

Not to mention

Healthy Lifestyle Tips

Learn tips and tricks for maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle. From fitness to nutrition, Mixed Connections with Amy has you covered.

And let's not forget

Real Conversations

Join Amy in real and authentic conversations about friendship, relationships, and life. Explore different perspectives and share your own experiences.

About us

Mixed Connections with Amy promotes healthy living, genuine friendships, and delicious mocktails. Amy is passionate about sharing her experiences and insights with her audience, and invites everyone to join her on this journey of self-discovery and growth.

Get in touch